Wanna know me?
Hello there. Assalammualaikum :). my name is Siti Asyantie bt Yasilin, you can call me Siti or Assey or whatever u like to call me :-) I was born in Ranau Sabah. Proud to be Sabahan girl. Blogging is one of my favourite hobbies. BTW, thanks for visiting me in this simple blog. Please give your comments or ideas. Thanks for reading and sorry if my english so bad. I'm just human being who makes mistakes :) Thanks again. Assalammualaikum ^_^
Friendship 1.0
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Assalammualaikum & hai semua. Alhamdulillah for another day we still here :). Current mood alhamdulillah okay. Seems like i have mood swings since 2 months before. Has a lot of rumors said about DEPRESSION. Since the Joker's movie coming out in the cinema and the latest one is about one of the actress/singer from korea. Dia bunuh diri sebab penyakit depression tu la. Then something coming out in my mind then i feel like people around me trying to avoid me. I look for the symptoms and it almost the same. But we cannot assume that we depress or anxiety or panic attack just thinking like that. But surely, can't express my feeling on that time. Can't express my emotion, my thought, and suddenly i don't know what i'm doing. Semoga dijauhkan benda-benda yg tidak bagus. Moga Allah sentiasa dekat & ingat Dia selalu.
We can't rely or lean people 100%. But we can rely and lean to Allah 100%. If u trust the person, then maybe u can rely on them, share your problem, share what's troubling u all the time. It will relieved u. Then try to trust people even one person in your life. Surely, that person feel appreciated that she/he can be trusted :).
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Friendship 1.0
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Assalammualaikum & hai semua. Alhamdulillah for another day we still here :). Current mood alhamdulillah okay. Seems like i have mood swings since 2 months before. Has a lot of rumors said about DEPRESSION. Since the Joker's movie coming out in the cinema and the latest one is about one of the actress/singer from korea. Dia bunuh diri sebab penyakit depression tu la. Then something coming out in my mind then i feel like people around me trying to avoid me. I look for the symptoms and it almost the same. But we cannot assume that we depress or anxiety or panic attack just thinking like that. But surely, can't express my feeling on that time. Can't express my emotion, my thought, and suddenly i don't know what i'm doing. Semoga dijauhkan benda-benda yg tidak bagus. Moga Allah sentiasa dekat & ingat Dia selalu.
We can't rely or lean people 100%. But we can rely and lean to Allah 100%. If u trust the person, then maybe u can rely on them, share your problem, share what's troubling u all the time. It will relieved u. Then try to trust people even one person in your life. Surely, that person feel appreciated that she/he can be trusted :).
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