New Learning
Assalammualaikum w.b.t
It's been a long time I didn't visit here also not to do any things for this my lovely blog. Berbulan-bulan kot *tak la lama sangat sebenarnya* Hahaha. Actually it's not more important to me. Sometimes, not all stories we need to tell the others. Keep it secret. And yes that what I'm doing now after I realized where aib sendiri orang sudah tau. SubhanAllah! Allah knows what happened to us inside our heart. It's hurt! Really-really-really hurt!
Mukaddimah pun dah macam touching sangat pula. Hahaha. Please ignorekan. Untuk peringatan diri sendiri jugak tu sebenarnya yang sentiasa lalai. Ok never mind, I just want to express my feeling that degree level ni memang saaangat mencabar. Oh, I'm forgot to tell that I already doing my degree started last semester (March 2015). And surprise.... I'm doing in the same courses and same PLACE..??? And and andddddd only me there -____- maksudnya kawan masa diploma masing-masing sambung degree di tempat lain dan ada yang tak sambung. Actually lambat beberapa semester sambung degree. It's okay for me. Buuutttt? I was like KLMJ *kenangan lalu mengusik jiwa* every tempat di pegi. Because every tempat dah di journey by myself also my friends. Kekononnya tak akan dapat sama-sama di sana lagi. Ohhh nangis jap. Hohohoho
I'm officially done my diploma and alhamdulillah it feels like Ya Allah alhamdulillah sangat-sangat. Dah lepas dah semua-semua mata bengkak, tidak cukup tidur, nangis, pendam hati, nervous, marah, and so on. BUT! tidak sebenarnya. Itu hanya permulaan wahai Gessi *nama pames kunun*.. And now you can feel when you go up again, again and again. Orang cakap, hidup tidak semudah yang disangka. Believe it. Semakin tinggi kita belajar, semakin banyak benda yang akan kita hadapi.
The point here is about what I have learned before this, which is my diploma level. When i flashback it again, it has a lot of memories. Memang la bah kan? Tak kan xda kenangan langsung. Hahahaha. Keluar sudah bahasa sendiri. It's okay it's alright. Every of us has our own memories.
Don't forget to pray. Hidup jugak bukan setakat buat itu, buat ini tanpa sebab. Everything has a reason why we doing that and that. It because Allah's creation. Masing-masing dengan destini masing-masing. Awak lain, dia lain, and saya juga lain. But remember, all of this we doing untuk cari redha Allah. That's the point. Sebab? Kita hanya hamba Allah yang sering lupa. Banyakkan beribadat. Study juga salah satu ibadat yang kita harus lakukan. Iaitu cari ilmu selain ilmu agama.
And hopefully everything is gonna be alright and easy for us for those who are same to me. Let's our journey as a student gonna be in shaa Allah complete with colorful results. Amin. Semoga Allah perkenankan :)
Thanks for your reading guys. See ya.. In shaa Allah :)
New Learning
Assalammualaikum w.b.t
It's been a long time I didn't visit here also not to do any things for this my lovely blog. Berbulan-bulan kot *tak la lama sangat sebenarnya* Hahaha. Actually it's not more important to me. Sometimes, not all stories we need to tell the others. Keep it secret. And yes that what I'm doing now after I realized where aib sendiri orang sudah tau. SubhanAllah! Allah knows what happened to us inside our heart. It's hurt! Really-really-really hurt!
Mukaddimah pun dah macam touching sangat pula. Hahaha. Please ignorekan. Untuk peringatan diri sendiri jugak tu sebenarnya yang sentiasa lalai. Ok never mind, I just want to express my feeling that degree level ni memang saaangat mencabar. Oh, I'm forgot to tell that I already doing my degree started last semester (March 2015). And surprise.... I'm doing in the same courses and same PLACE..??? And and andddddd only me there -____- maksudnya kawan masa diploma masing-masing sambung degree di tempat lain dan ada yang tak sambung. Actually lambat beberapa semester sambung degree. It's okay for me. Buuutttt? I was like KLMJ *kenangan lalu mengusik jiwa* every tempat di pegi. Because every tempat dah di journey by myself also my friends. Kekononnya tak akan dapat sama-sama di sana lagi. Ohhh nangis jap. Hohohoho
I'm officially done my diploma and alhamdulillah it feels like Ya Allah alhamdulillah sangat-sangat. Dah lepas dah semua-semua mata bengkak, tidak cukup tidur, nangis, pendam hati, nervous, marah, and so on. BUT! tidak sebenarnya. Itu hanya permulaan wahai Gessi *nama pames kunun*.. And now you can feel when you go up again, again and again. Orang cakap, hidup tidak semudah yang disangka. Believe it. Semakin tinggi kita belajar, semakin banyak benda yang akan kita hadapi.
The point here is about what I have learned before this, which is my diploma level. When i flashback it again, it has a lot of memories. Memang la bah kan? Tak kan xda kenangan langsung. Hahahaha. Keluar sudah bahasa sendiri. It's okay it's alright. Every of us has our own memories.
Don't forget to pray. Hidup jugak bukan setakat buat itu, buat ini tanpa sebab. Everything has a reason why we doing that and that. It because Allah's creation. Masing-masing dengan destini masing-masing. Awak lain, dia lain, and saya juga lain. But remember, all of this we doing untuk cari redha Allah. That's the point. Sebab? Kita hanya hamba Allah yang sering lupa. Banyakkan beribadat. Study juga salah satu ibadat yang kita harus lakukan. Iaitu cari ilmu selain ilmu agama.
And hopefully everything is gonna be alright and easy for us for those who are same to me. Let's our journey as a student gonna be in shaa Allah complete with colorful results. Amin. Semoga Allah perkenankan :)
Thanks for your reading guys. See ya.. In shaa Allah :) PAST • FUTURE